Legislation has been introduced in the New York State Assembly (A.10847) and Senate (S.08212) that would provide advance notification to workers facing a mass layoff or workplace closing. Both bills have reported out of committee.
The bills would require advance notice at many work-sites presently exempted from federal WARN Act requirements. The bills would apply to employers of 50 or more full-time workers and require 90 days advance notice. In addition to allowing workers to bring lawsuits, the bills also permit enforcement by the state's Commissioner of Labor. The federal WARN Act only applies to employers of 100 or more full-time workers and requires just 60 days advance notice. The federal law does not provide for enforcement by federal or state departments of labor. An informed analysis in support of the legislation can be found on the Fiscal Policy Institute's website.
Update: As of June 18, 2008, S.08212 passed the full Senate, was delivered to the Assembly, and has been referred to the Ways and Means Committee. A.10847 reported out of committee and is ordered to a third reading before the Assembly.