The Sugar Law Center for Economic and Social Justice is a national, non-profit organization, advocating for working people and their communities. We work for economic and social justice by binding corporations and government to their legal and ethical responsibilities. The Sugar Law Center has been at the forefront of WARN Act litigation since 1992. Together with our cooperating attorneys, the Sugar Law Center has represented thousands of workers in hundreds of WARN Act cases throughout the country.
The Sugar Law Center is affiliated with the National Lawyer's Guild.
Cleveland (City) - Ordinance Clev. City Code, Ch. 38, § 396.03. ((*Requires businesses with buildings of 150,000 square feet or more of space to give 60 day advance notice to various city officials before vacating or abandoning the property).
Illinois - Regulations Illinois Administrative Code, Title 56, Ch. I, Subchapter b, Part 230
Indiana - Legislation (*No advance notification law. Under certain circumstances, notification to government officials is required when a company adopts a plan for dissolution, liquidation or withdrawal from the state).
Iowa - Legislation Iowa Code § 84C.1 et. seq. (At Title III, Subtitle 2, Chapter 84C).
Kansas - Legislation (*No advance notification law. Companies prohibited from reducing or ceasing operations for the purpose of avoiding state labor laws - notice to secretary of labor can reduced potential liability).
Maryland - Legislation Md. Code, Corp. & Assoc., § 1-101. (*Requires Maryland corporations to give 20 day advance notice to workers before filing dissolution papers).
Md. Code, Lab.& Empl., § 11-301 et. seq. (*Suggests, but does not require, a 90 notice period by employers of 50 or more persons before workplace closings and relocations that affect 25 percent of the workforce of 15 or more employees, which is greater).
Maryland - Regulations COMAR, § (*Voluntary guidelines for advance notification of workers).
COMAR, § (*Requires employer to file, 48 hours in advance of the layoffs, notice with Secretary of Labor).
Massachusetts - Legislation Mass. Gen. Laws, ch. 149, §§ 179B, 182, & 183; and
Mass. Gen. Laws, ch. 151A, § 71A et. seq.
Michigan - Legislation MCL 450.736. (*Only applies to employee-owned companies and compliance is purely voluntary)
New York - Regulations New York Codes, Rules & Regulations, Title 12, Chapter 12, Part 921
North Dakota - Regulations N.D. Admin. Code § 27-03-02-01 et. seq. (*Requires advance notice to state officials prior to certain layoffs or separations).
Ohio - Legislation Ohio Rev. Code § 4141.28. (*Not an advance notification statute. Requires notice to director at least three working days prior to certain layoffs or separations).
Oregon - Legislation Or. Rev. Stat. § 285A.510 et. seq. (*Not an advance notice to workers statute. Provides regulations for giving notice under federal WARN Act).
State WARN Act News: Wisconsin Considers Amendments to Advance Notice Law
The Wisconsin Legislature is considering two bills that would amend the state's existing statute that requires advance notice to workers before business shutdowns and mass layoffs. Assembly Bill 266 and Senate Bill 183 would strengthen procedures for providing information to workers and services from the state's rapid response team. The bills would also create civil penalties for violations of the state's advance notification law. The Assembly's bill is presently before the Committee on Workforce Development and the Senate bil is before the Committee on Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs.
Illinois House of Representatives: Anti-Wage Theft State Contracts HB 1653. Passed House of Representatives. Now pending in the State Senate where it has been referred to the Committee on Assignments. Bill would bar state contracts to companies found to have violated the Illinois Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act.
Illinois State Senate: Anti-Wage Theft State Contracts SB 0163. Referred to Assignments Committee. Bill would bar state contracts to companies found to have violated the Illinois Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act.
Maryland: House of Representatives House Bill 1018 has been introduced before the Maryland General Assembly. The bills would replace the state's voluntary guidelines and require 90 day advance notice.
Maryland: State Senate Senate Bill 780 has been introduced before the Maryland General Assembly. The bills would replace the state's voluntary guidelines and require 90 day advance notice.