By a vote of 81-18, the Iowa House of Representatives passed a bill requiring employers to provide advance notice of business closings and mass layoffs to affected workers and local communities. The bill was proposed by the Iowa Department of Workforce Development and introduced before the House in March 2009. The House Labor Committee was assigned to review the bill and issued its report recommending passage on January 22, 2010. The bill passed on a vote of the full house on January 27, 2010 and was then messaged to the state Senate. The proposed legislation (SSB 1055) has now been referred to the Senate Labor and Business Relations Committee and assigned to a subcommittee composed of Senators William Dotzler, Dick Dearden and Pat Ward. A description of the bill's provisions can be found at our June 26, 2009 entry.
If you are in the Hawkeye state, please contact members of the Labor and Business Relations Committee and your state senator to urge passage of this important legislation. Members of the Committee can be found here and your state senator can be located here.