A couple of bills to amend existing state law and improve advance notification requirements in Massachusetts passed under our radar earlier this year, but remain pending before the 186th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House, an Act Relative to the Notification of Large Job Layoffs, House No. 1847 was introduced by Representative Michael Rush. the bill was referred to the legislature's Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development, where it remains. In the Senate, a similar bill was introduced by Senators Anthony Petruccelli, Gloria Fox, Willie Mae Allen and Elizabeth Malia. The bill, Senate No. 204, was referred to the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, where, along with other legislation, it was the subject of a study order this past June.
If you are in the Bay State, please contact members of the Joint Commitee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies along with your state senator to urge passage of this important legislation.